I no longer need external validation from others to feel good about myself.

The first big step in transformation is to love yourself, forgive yourself and be grateful for this gift of life that you have been given.

Self-love means accepting yourself and putting your physical, emotional and mental well-being first. Self-love motivates us to make healthier choices in life. When you hold yourself in high esteem, you're more likely to choose things that nurture your well-being and serve you well.

People who love themselves are less likely to suffer from anxiety or depression. Self-love also paves the way to a positive mindset which is an essential ingredient for success in life and for mental wellbeing. Learning to love yourself also reduces stress, decreases procrastination, and leads to better focus.

When you can fully love yourself, you no longer require external validation for your existence. You drop any life regrets you had in the past because you recognize that the being you are in this moment is how you are after all your life experiences and lessons.  Your whole life has culminated into this moment of present beingness.  

A very common result of working with plant medicine, such as ayahuasca, is the dropping away of lingering shame, fear, anger, regret and depression.   These states of being drop away as a person connects with their inner divinity, becomes grateful for their life, and truly feels a deep love for their very existence.

All the spiritual teachers acknowledge that love is a state of being and this state of being has to start with loving yourself in each moment of this precious life.


I realized how important it is to have a life of purpose and meaning.